Dr Peter Taylor , Research Associate, Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford
Peter Taylor is a Research Associate with the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford. Peter spent 25 years working in the Lloyd's insurance market where he has managed IT and loss modeling departments and led and participated in many projects. He has been a Director of insurance broking and underwriting companies and market organisations , and helped to establish the Lighthill Risk Network, a non-profit organisation that brings together the business and scientific communities for their mutual benefit.
Peter is still an active consultant in the City of London, but spends as much time as he can working in the Institute. Peter has a long-standing interest in all aspects of risk, whether in insurance or in science generally, particularly the practical application of the theory of risk, and the analysis of emerging risks. Peter has a background in the foundations of quantum theory for which he was awarded his DPhil at Oxford, and in July 2007 organised the Everett@50 Conference at the Philosophy Centre in Oxford and in 2008 the James Martin 21 st Century School Seminar Series on Risk. Peter makes regular conference speeches to the insurance industry on the subject of risk.